Energy Meetups!


  • You have a restless mind, you enjoy learning, developing yourself and creating
  • You want to discuss your dreams and challenges with people with whom you share values
  • You believe in team dynamics and the power of groups





the energy meetups are ideal for you!
Each workshop combines creativity, coaching, psychology and interactive learning methods, so that you easily absorb knowledge and skills.

heard saw & heard saw, heard, experienced
recollection after 3 weeks 70% 72% 85%
recollection after 3 months 10% 32% 65%

All workshops deal with emotional intelligence competencies and challenges of everyday life.

Previous workshops:

  • Assertiveness: set your boundaries, ask for what you want!
  • Procrastination: time for it to go (today, not tomorrow!)
  • Creative thinking: how do we generate and implement ideas!
  • Personal branding: discover tour talents, stand out!
  • Positive thinking & acting

The number of participants is up to 12 people, so that the interactive approach is fully maintained.

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